Case Studies

Taylor Graphics Case Study

Taylor Graphics is Orange county's largest trade only printing facility. They partnered with Ink Cloud after many years of frustration using a larger print MIS/ERP print software. Because of high costs, inflexible software and long lead times for customization, Taylor Grpahics needed to make a change.

Reduced annual software costs by over 60%

 Reduced setup costs by 80%

Increased productivity with the flexibility and efficiency of Ink Cloud

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GR Print Case Study

Though GR had a web-to-print storefront and an existing print management system, it was looking to further streamline its operations.

Time to press-ready reduced by 85%

35% increase in organic search traffic

Savings of $6000 per month in pre-press

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Cards That Give Back

By utilizing Ink Cloud, CTGB was also able to capitalize on Ink Cloud's production network. Orders could be placed through CTGB and workflow automation would transition the orders to another provider, also on Ink Cloud.

Time to press-ready in less than 60 seconds

100% real-time data syncing with vendor

Savings of over $7000 per year in templating software

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